What is Integrative Psychology?

Integrative Psychology is a holistic approach that incorporates the best of traditional western medicine/psychology, with leading alternative and complementary approaches. By seeking to unite these seemingly opposing philosophies, we are in truth, embracing what is most valuable/supportive from both of these worlds; while leaving behind any antiquated/outdated thinking or practices that may undermine both the healing process and overall well-being.

Integrative Psychology studies/understands the biological, emotional, cognitive, social/cultural as well as spiritual aspects of human behavior and experience.

A variety of disciplines are represented within the field of Integrative Psychology including but not limited to: evolutionary biology, ecology, neuroscience, neuropsychology, sociology, nutrition, herbal medicine, acupuncture, somatic & bodywork, naturopathic medicine, philosophy, theology/religion, transpersonal studies, quantum physics, linguistics,  education, and many others.


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